Home Learning Week 1 Timetable – 04.01.2021

Welcome to week 1 of home learning!

Here is this week’s home learning timetable – Weekly Timetable (wb 04.01)

This week we will be setting daily tasks for Phonics, Maths and English in the morning as well as Reading Comprehension and a foundation activity for the afternoon. This is very similar to our regular school timetable to keep the children in routine and give them some familiarity during this uncertain time.

We will be uploading daily posts explaining the tasks your child is to complete that day so you will need to log onto the class blog each day in order to be able to access the relevant sheets, PowerPoint’s and website links for each day’s activities.

During this period of home learning, I will be tracking who is commenting/posting on the blog as well as who is accessing Spelling Shed and Numbots every week. Ideally, children should be doing these at least once every day alongside the lessons planned!

Each child will receive 5 dojo points for every post they create on the class blog as I love to see and read about what you have been doing! Next week, we will be holding Numbots and Spelling Shed competitions where you will be able to earn more dojo points!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email – caroline.bagshaw@taw.org.uk


Have fun, work hard and stay safe!


Mrs Bagshaw 🙂