Self-Isolation – w/b 7.12.2020

Good morning,

Here is a the work that Elm class will be covering in school this week.  It is not as detailed as when we were home learning but should will ensure that you are learning what all your friends are learning in school.




This week we are carrying on with ‘Goldilocks and the 3 Bears’.  Let’s watch the story first to remind ourselves what happens.

Now we will be identifying 3 key areas of the story.  I would like you to draw a picture of each key area and then write a sentence about each picture.  Remember your capital letters, full stops and finger space.


Please watch this video and complete the worksheet.



Today we will be thinking about what might happen to the lake in Winter.  I would like you to work through the PowerPoint and write down what changes will occur to the water in the lake and to the animals and plants that live and grow in and around the lake.

All About Winter PowerPoint



Please visit Phonics Play and use one of the free games (Buried Treasure, Dragon’s Den or Picnic on Pluto) to practise segmenting and blending words containing ”.  There is a page on the blog called ‘Phonics Play’ which has some guides for you.


Please watch this video and complete the worksheet.




Today we are looking at a special story of the Muslim faith.  I would like you to read the story of ‘The woman at the gates of Makkah’ and answer the questions below.

The Woman at the gates of Makkah

ASK “I wonder…” questions

  • I wonder if you have worked out why she changed her mind?
  • I wonder who you would like to walk into your street?
  • I wonder what kind of person Muhammad was? What does the story show?
  • I wonder who you try to listen to?
  • I wonder: Does kindness always win arguments?
  • How can we change what people think, so that people get better, fairer ideas? Can our behaviour do most to change things, or our words?
  • Why do Muslims say ‘Peace be upon him’ when they say the Prophet’s name?




Today I would like you to start writing the story of ‘Goldilocks and the 3 Bears’.  We have done lots of work of trying to remember the sequence of events and I would like you to add as much detail as you can.

Don’t worry if you can’t write it all today, we will carry on with it tomorrow.


Please watch the videos and complete the worksheet.



Use your Purple Mash login to explore some of the games on there.




Today you are continuing with writing the story of ‘Goldilocks and the 3 Bears’.


Please watch this video and complete the worksheet.



Today I would like you to complete the following assessment paper to see how much about ‘Seasonal Change’ you can remember.



You will need to ask a grown up to test you on your spellings.

  • awful
  • drawn
  • sawdust
  • author
  • autumn
  • audio
  • haunt
  • you
  • my
  • school



Today I would like you to look back at the story you have written on Wednesday and Thursday and see if you have included:-

  • capital letters at the start of sentences and for names,
  • full stops at the end of your sentences,
  • finger spaces between your words,
  • adjectives (describing words)

If you haven’t, copy out one of your sentences trying to include all of the above.


As today is Christmas Jumper Day, I would like you to design your very own Christmas jumper!  I have provided you with a template but you can use whatever you like to create you design – colour pencils, felt tips, paint, sequins, glitter etc.  Have fun!

There are many things you can do with your work when you are complete. You can take a picture and upload the file onto the blog, you can send it to myself via email ( or you can keep hold of it and show me when you return to school.

Mrs Bagshaw 🙂