Mental Health and Well-Being

Life in lockdown has been a struggle for a lot of people with us not being able to see family and friends or celebrate special events and many of us will have experienced loss during these unprecedented times.  This is a struggle for adults and a massive struggle for children all of whom have seen their daily routines gone.

We will all have experienced worry, anxiety, sadness and there will have been tears.

At Priorslee Academy we take the mental health and well-being of our pupils, parents, carers and staff seriously and have created a Mental Health and Well-Being page as part of our school website.  This has information for parents and children and links to places where help and support can be accessed.

You can view this page by clicking on this link and there is also a link at the top of the home page on the blog.

Stay safe everyone – we are getting there,

Mrs Bagshaw 🙂